• Where do I send my HOA annual payment and when is it due?
      Answer: Payment can be sent to P.O. Box 93, Hayden Colorado 81639. Payment for the year is due January 1st.
    • What does my HOA annual fee pay for?

      Answer: The HOA funds, in general, pay for the maintenance of the common areas that are available for your use and enjoyment. This includes the park lawn care and sprinkler system. The play ground equipment. The interior trails. General liability insurance for the common areas. Street lighting maintenance and electricity. Irrigation water usage. Payment to the Town of Hayden for the lift station maintenance agreement. Professional fees.

    • How do I know what the rules are for landscaping and fencing ?

      Answer: Read section 6 of the CC&R's.

    • Do I have any input into the design of the houses that will be built on the remaining lots?

      Answer: The house design minimum requirements are set forth in section 6 of the CC&R's. In addition, the Architectural committee will review and approve the house designs for conformance to the CC&R's.